Penobscot River Paddling Trail
News & Updates

New Campsite on Verona Island
New Campsite on Verona Island On July 27, the 11th campsite of the Penobscot River Paddling Trail was established on Verona Island. The campsite is a collaboration between landowner Great Pond Mountain Conservation Trust, Maine Island Trail Association, and the PRPT. The land trust offered us a place for a campsite on the Joost Family

Paddling from Mattaseunk Dam to Bangor
Paddling from Mattaseunk Dam to Bangor Every year my cousin James and I do a week-long river trip; we’ve always done trips closer to where I live in Virginia. This year we wanted to do a trip closer to James in Maine, so we decided to do the Penobscot River from Mattaseunk Dam to Bangor.

Bakery on the River
Medunkeunk Landing Bakery The Penobscot River Paddling Trail now has a bakery! Located at Medunkeunk Stream Campsite at Mile 25, south of the Medway put-in, you can make a stop as you paddle from Winn to Lincoln, and you can camp there for free and buy treats at owner Mike Kalinowski’s bakery. Try the cookies,

New Campsite in Prospect
New Campsite in Prospect On Sept. 24, 2023, 13 volunteers gathered to make the 11th campsite of the PRPT, located on Bowden Point in Prospect. We worked from 9 am to 1 pm to clear and mow two small fields, clear the ground of logs and brush for tents, carry in a picnic table, an

Paddling the South Branch of the Marsh River, Frankfort and Prospect
Paddling the South Branch of the Marsh River, Frankfort and Prospect September 2 could not have been a more beautiful day, and paddling conditions were ideal. Not too hot, a light breeze all day, a rising tide helping us paddle up the South Branch of the Marsh River. Twenty-three people met and launched at 10:30

Canoe Trip and Annual Meeting 2023
Canoe Trip and Annual Meeting 2023 On the morning of July 30, Donne Sinderson, David Thanhauser, and Cloe Chunn met at the Penobscot Salmon Club in Brewer, home of one of the PRPT campsites. We launched canoes at 8:20 on a slack almost-high tide. When we started seeing eagles over downtown Bangor-Brewer right away, we knew