Join Us for the PRPT Annual Meeting & Paddle

The Penobscot River Paddling Trail’s Annual Meeting and whitewater trip is right around the corner: July 29-30.
The full trip is a whitewater and tidewater trip: a two-day paddle from Old Town to Orrington. On Saturday, July 29, we’ll meet at 9 am in Old Town at Binette Park, just below the Milford Dam. We will paddle 13 miles through three sets of Class II-III rapids (Great Works, Basin Mills, Veazie Rips) and camp at the PRPT campsite at the Penobscot Salmon Club in Brewer. Your camping food and gear can be left in your car, which will be parked at the campsite. Flotation is advised in the canoe due to high water levels.
If you opt out of the whitewater paddling day, you can still join us at 8 am at the Penobscot Salmon Club, 610 North Main St, Brewer. We will paddle 9 miles on a falling tide down to Orrington, to the new PRPT Sturgeon Leap Campsite for lunch and the Annual Meeting.
The Annual Meeting will take place 1-3 pm at Orrington Campsite. If you want to attend the Annual Meeting but not the paddle, plan to arrive at noon, bring a bag lunch, and join us for lunch. Or just arrive at 1 pm for the meeting itself.
Driving Directions
Get on Rt. 15 in Orrington.
From Brewer and the north, drive Rt. 15 south, straight through the blinking light at the intersection with Center Drive. (Don’t turn at a blinking light further north at Snow’s Corner.) Go 2 more miles and turn right on McGinn Road. A sign there says “Baker’s Landing.” Follow the road, which gets rough, down to the water.
From the south, drive Rt. 15 north through Bucksport into Orrington. From the intersection with Hoxie Hill Road, go 2 more miles north and turn left on McGinn Road.
A sign there says “Baker’s Landing.” Follow the road, which gets rough, down to the water.
Hear about the new campsite plan in Prospect.
Elect a slate of officers to the Board. No board members are up for renewing terms this year, but we welcome the interest of others. Please let us know if you are interested in exploring what we do.
Help us figure out a succession strategy for the ongoing organization.